

Posted by Gendex News on Oct 26, 2011 2:31:00 PM

When it comes to shopping, everyone has a particular style—some research for months, some make quick decisions, and other wait to see what their peers have done. Dental Products Report’s (DPR) Tech Census 2011 has tracked technology trends in the dental office, with some interesting and positive information regarding the digital office. You can check out the survey here.

The survey cites that 73% of respondents consider themselves as “researchers,” checking out hands-on demos and studies to back up their instincts. It seems that most dentists are planners at heart. The survey notes that “just 7% admitted to being impulse shoppers who see something and want to go for it.” Whatever their decision-making style, the survey points out that technology is definitely foremost on practitioners’ minds.

One of the most sought-after types of technology is digital radiography. Of the 15 categories of technologies included in the survey, digital x-ray system/digital sensor ranked in the top four most commonly owned, by 76 percent of the participant dentists.  These top technologies have steadily increased in popularity in recent years. Some respondents even applauded digital x-ray as the item that has given their practice the biggest boost, with intraoral cameras coming in second.

Dentists who decide on GXS-700™ sensors bring a legacy of sensor research and development to their practice—clear, high resolution images, rounded corners and two sizes for comfort for children and adults, and high speed USB connectivity. Dentists’ digital wish lists also extend to CBCT systems—and the GXCB-500™ and the new GXDP-700™ are two excellent choices for diagnosis and treatment planning of caries, root investigation, orthodontics, implants, surgical procedures, and patient education. Click here to see the newest digital pan/3D/ceph in action!

The survey indicates that there is always room for growth in terms of adding more clinical technology to the practice. It also shows that offices are getting more active with popular outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube to help promote and grow the practice. We hope you “Like” our Facebook page and check in with our blogs to keep up with all of our exciting developments. Team Gendex is always available to help you understand and implement digital radiography in your practice—helping you to keep up with and exceed digital radiography expectations.

Topics: GXDP-300 Panoramic, Digital Technology, GXDP-700 Pan/Ceph/3D unit